Turbo Match Description for collecting and using information through third-party SDKs
To ensure the implementation of related functions of Turbo Match and the safe and stable operation of the app, we may access SDKs provided by third parties to implement related functions.
The third-party SDKs we access serve the needs of you and other users, so we may adjust the third-party SDKs we access to meet new service requirements and changes in service functions. Of course, we will keep you updated on access to third-party SDKs in this description.

1.login shortcut
Name FaceBook
Company Name Meta Platforms, Inc.
Function Quick sign-in and log-in
Collected Information Access UID, username and profile picture
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Name Apple
Company Name Apple
Function Quick sign-in and log-in
Collected Information Access UID, username, and email address
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2. SMS & Push Notifications
SDK name Firebase Cloud Messaging
Company Name Google LLC
Function Cloud message
Collected Information Firebase installation IDs
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3. Storage
SDK name AWS
Company Name Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Function File storage
Collected Information Audio and video information, Network type, WIFI and cellular signal status, read storage (albums, media, and other files) permissions
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SDK name Appsflyer
Company Name AppsFlyer Ltd.
Function Installation data attribution analysis
Collected Information IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, OAID
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SDK Name CrashSight
Company Name WeTest
Function Exception analysis, crash reports
Collected Information WiFi status, phone model, OS, third-party developer custom logs, Logcat logs, app crash stack information
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SDK Name Consentmanager SDK
Company Name consentmanager
Function Consent manage
Collected Information Language settings,font settings,Log-in information (e.g. for our customer portals);Analysis of website usage (e.g. for the purpose of providing the necessary hardware resources)
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